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DIY Cookie Decorating Kit and Free Download

This DIY cookie decorating kit is great idea for gifting! It’s easy and personal, and can be tailored for any events. Plus, we’re attaching our free download for the instructions – freebies!

Coming up with gift ideas for everyone on your list is hard, especially when you want to create a unique and personal gift. This year, since we had so many people on our list, we wanted to create a DIY cookie decorating kit for everyone. It’s a great gift option because you can tailor it with specific color themes and you can include decorating tools. Plus, since it’s a spreadable frosting, this is a kit that’s great for beginners and little kids. Just spread frosting, decorate, and eat!

This kit was such a huge hit, that we wanted to share the process for you here.

DIY Cookie Decoration Kit

Our DIY cookie decorating kit includes homemade and undecorated sugar cookies, homemade frosting, sprinkles, and our favorite decorating tool, an offset spatula.

Plus, we also created printable DIY instructions, which you can include in the kit. We will explain how to create this DIY kit and you can find the link below.

How to make DIY kit!

1. Make sugar cookies and frosting. We adopted this recipe for cookies and frosting. It’s our ultimate favorite, because the cookies are pillowy and thick. It’s our top cookie recipe for parties, holidays, and bake fairs. You seriously just can’t eat one.

We adjust the recipe by using two whole eggs, instead of 1 egg + 1 egg white. We also omit 1/4 cup of flour from the original recipe.

For the frosting, we use water instead of milk. Water should keep the frosting stable for longer.

2. Pack frosting and sprinkles in an air-tight container. We typically like storing the frosting and sprinkles in 4 ounce mason jars. Mason jars look way cuter and have a super fun vibe, which is great for gifting. Plus, they’re way more eco-friendly than their plastic counterparts. However, since we are mailing our packages and wanted a light option, we used small plastic containers, similar to what restaurants use. The 4 ounce container works good for the frosting, and the 1 ounce container works for sprinkles. Though, Meg and I used the 4 ounce container for both the sprinkles and the frosting.

Additionally, wrap the cookies individually so they stay fresh on their journey. We used something similar to this food-safe clear bag.

3. Include an offset spatula and cover it in ribbons! An offset spatula is one of our most useful kitchen tools, and it’s perfect for spreading frosting. We love this Ateco offset spatula with wooden handle but if you prefer dishwasher-safe, they also have ones with plastic handles.

4. Download and print DIY instructions. We made these cute instructions that you can download and print on cardstock. Trim to the size you want, and attach it to your package.

Click below to download free 🙂

Free Printable Download – DIY Cookie Decoration Instructions

5. Finally, pack everything with the cute instruction card. Please make sure to pack sufficient tissue paper so that the cookies don’t move around inside the box. This will help them from shifting too much, which will help to avoid cookie breakage if you ship them.

Need other gift ideas? How about this popular Ted Lasso biscuits?

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